If you can log in to your Waves account, but nothing seems to happen when you try to log in to the Waves Central application, follow these instructions. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.Please enable JavaScript in your browser in order to make this website functional. Luckily, this process is fairly straightforward you should be back to making music in no time. Your email address will not be published.
#How to make pro tools rescan plugins pro
Remember, older plugins may not be compatible with newer versions of Pro Tools. In summary, the only way to properly rescan your plugins in Pro Tools is to trash your existing plugin settings. From within Pro Tools, open up your Preferences menu.

You can customize your plugins display and change the folders that you view. Your missing plugin should show up in the list.

The program has to rescan all of your plugins and will make new files for their preferences. Your plugin preferences may be hidden, so go to View and select Show Hidden Items. Back up anything that you want to keep before you proceed. This process will delete preferences for all of your installed plugins. Solve Select Waves Plug ins Folder VST in DAW 100% FIX If your plugin is not in these folders, you might be able to find it in one of the following locations.

Pro Tools 11 and later will only use plugins that are in one of these folders.
#How to make pro tools rescan plugins install
Pro Tools comes with its own Plugins folder and many of your plugins will automatically install to it. Use your task manager to make sure the program is completely closed. To avoid any problems, close Pro Tools before you attempt to install a new plugin or before you do a rescan. Pro Tools usually rescans your plugins for you when it launches, but your new plugin might not be on the list.